'Flight of the Cosmic Hippo' ... I gotta try that

Thanks Jason.

Always open for good music suggestions.

When I put my ear close to the tweeter and then the woofer, the tweeter definitely effects way above what I think of as the 'mid-range'. I found the high-end of the woofer range 1000-1600 cps to be more than I like so I did what I just read Garland did... I've added .5mh in series with the woofer inductor. For me it fixed the 'problem'. According to my ear doctor, my hearing drops off sharply after 3000 cps. And looking at the graph he drew, I was most sensitive around 1500-2000 cps. These are very rough charts I think, but it seems confirm what sounds best to me with the changes I made.

My current subwoofers sound damn good. I'm gonna go listen some more.

See ya,

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