Re: Spring forward...

I can understand what you're saying, and I share your convictions. For a long time, I recommended the Pro series line right along with the other "tube friendly" stuff. Actually, the impedance peak isn't that large and so it seemed a natural for those that wanted the best. But there are a couple of popular SET amps that don't drive 'em as well as the others.

I expect most amps will work quite nicely, certainly amps that delivers more than ten watts. And I'm definitely happy with what the Paramours do, so I agree with your observations, 100%. That's an example of a "flea-powered" amp that works perfectly well with the Professional Series line of π Speakers. I'll bet your fours are sweet, a nice size and as pure as speakers come. The sevens are really great too - they've long been my favorites - and I wish I had two corners in my listening room because I'd like to spend some time with Paramours and sevens.

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