In Reply to: Spring forward... posted by Wayne Parham on April 06, 2003 at 04:41:52:
I have to put my plug for the 4 Pi-pro model here even though we have been there before. First, you can't put a SET amp on a pair of JBL 2226's that have not been broken in on some high wattage solid waste amps. I have been breaking in my 2226's for around 2 years now, and still find them breaking in further all the time. I started with 250 watts/chnl for the first 6 months, then I have Dynaco ST-70 which is good performer on the 2226's, and of course my Marantz 22xx series of receivers.I have had success with my 2226J's (16 ohm) on Paramours (3 different ones) and Moth S45 amps. All of these were set up for the 8 ohm tap. I did not feel the lack of BASS that some have mentioned. I know the impedance seems to be wrong, and on my SCA-35/ST-70, will not work with wrong impeadance, but the SET's did work well that way. There are those who have heard (they brought their own amps to my house), and they believe.
Glad to hear you like the "Flea-power" amps, "The first watt is the most important one"
Cheers, Ron
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