Re: Da Vinci Code

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 21, 2006 at 07:10:09:

In Reply to: Re: Da Vinci Code posted by Wayne Parham on May 21, 2006 at 01:23:34:

I'm not sure because in this thread nothing is mentioned about the Niceen Creed and I know I read that in here.
Looks like almost the same thread we have going now. I; as I said read a good article in Harpers written by a Biblical Scholar that explained the differences between the Thomas books and how the approach shifted when the church discarded that book in favor of others. I wish I had it becuase he describes in detail exactly what those differences were and why he thinks they were chosen. Something to do with interpretation of some of the teachings. I do remmember that according to that book Jesus was more of a real man and not so much a diety. And women were not relegated to second class status as they are in the current texts. Thats one part of this whole thing I have trouble with; why women in the Bible are either whores or virgins but never just people. What is this whole anti-women thing in the three big faiths?
Reading that post I realise I miss Dave; a voice of reason. Ever hear from him?


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