Re: Da Vinci Code

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 21, 2006 at 16:38:51:

In Reply to: Re: Da Vinci Code posted by Wayne Parham on May 21, 2006 at 15:51:58:

Hmm..I see what you are saying; however I am not so sure the Catholic Church is seeking the truth. Now I am not Catholic; but from what I see they are seeking to perpetuate a society subject to their rules and philosophy. I believe they are more about politics in the broad sense of defining rules and structures of life than any kind of genuine spiritual quest. Thats why they feel so threatened at this kind of thing. I am sure there are real truth seekers amongst their ranks but i don't believe they are strictly about the spiritual dedication; truth is I think they believe they have a lock on the truth already; so to suggest they are somehow actively seeking this truth amounts to blasphemy in their eyes.
But again this is from someone who is not educated or knowlegable concerning these things. However it is interesting to follow the story that informs the great religions. The real conundrum for me is the whole anti-woman thing. I can't get past that. How can you be a spiritual seeker of truth and have such a deviant set of notions. That goes for the Bhuddist/Hindu/Christian/Moslem etc etc. What is that all about? Even Bhudda; the most compassionate of the great seers negated the female in mankind. Very strange if you ask me. It sort of divides anything of any value they offer into something less than perfect or even good. And that is what seems to me to be at the crux of this whole controversy. Why would it be such a terrible thing if Jesus had a wife anyway?
I'm baffled by all of this.
But I do see the enjoyment at the thought of realising what happened; it is the greatest of mysteries. And I know many of the finest minds of our culture have wrangled over these issues ceaselessly; minds far more capable than mine. My primitive understanding of the meaning behind these things is obvious. And as my son tells me, the mystery is not for us to know but to believe. He's a pretty devout Catholic; who woulda thunk it!


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