Re: OB - V3

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on July 11, 2004 at 09:03:32:

In Reply to: OB - V3 posted by wunhuanglo on July 10, 2004 at 18:38:04:

Hi; Years ago there was a magazine, like a little pamphlet thing called Audiophilia, maybe you heard of it I don't know how widespread it's distribution was. Any way they propounded the open baffle theory in a series of articles. We here all tore off the back and sides of numerous KLH and Wharfedale speakers and experimented endlessly with xover designs or using 1st order oxovers or just using caps to roll off the tweeter. We built large single plane baffles and mounted JBL woofers to them, on and on. I still have a nice pair of alnico 12" on a flat baffle with a titanium tweeter mounted in the center on a brass rod screwed to the baffle board. The speakers sounded more open and smoother with nice transients. Boxes do hurt performance. But in the end the open baffles sacrificed way too much body and immediacy and eventually the trend died. We actually discussed whether 3/4" or 1" baffles sounded better.


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