Re: I don't use M values in my sub horns,

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Posted by PGOLDE [ ] on October 22, 2004 at 11:05:27:

In Reply to: I don't use M values in my sub horns, posted by Bill Fitzmaurice on October 22, 2004 at 09:01:45:

As I put the finishing touches on my Labhorns, a project I commited to a while ago, after attending the NYC sub shootout at Paul Bell's club, I have a few thoughts. The first is that I was so into building a maximum output sub with clean low extension, I kind of overlooked the size and weight issue, these things are large and heavy, and also fairly expensive to build (correctly).
Following with interest what Bill F. has done with his tubas, and what Tom Danley has done with B-Deaps, I have a feeling I am building last years model when I look into the huge mouth of this horn.
Maybe this will change when I power them up finally. I want to build a pair of Tuba 24's, and A-B them to a single Lab.


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