Re: I don't use M values in my sub horns,

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Posted by mike.e [ ] on October 22, 2004 at 16:32:37:

In Reply to: Re: I don't use M values in my sub horns, posted by PGOLDE on October 22, 2004 at 14:11:20:

I honestly cant see how effective the bdeap is just by looking at it.Its very boundary dependant.Using the room as the flare doesnt really work due to the large discontinuity between final box flare and room expansion of conical shape.

Using Direct radiator 15"s for 70hz and up is an effective use.
a Hornsubwith a 15" IS a good use of space-but horns are always large.A smaller woofer wont be able to move as much air ;-)

I too like the idea of using cheaper drivers on a longer horn-But by the time you count up the cost of wood + cutting costs its almost the same-and why not use a good linear driver than a cheap one for peace of mind.

If a 10" or 12" will cure your 40hz Hornsub issue then thats really good- i used an 8" for 50hz on 155litres for awhile!



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