Re: Ground scheme

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Posted by GarMan [ ] on February 14, 2005 at 14:08:51:

In Reply to: Ground scheme posted by Forty2wo on February 13, 2005 at 22:50:50:

Grounding to me has always been part science and part black-magic. Follow good star-grounding or bussing techniques and you can get dead silence most of the time. It's the other 25% that you have to take out the magic wand.

The Grounded Grid preamp that I breadboarded last month had a slight hum to it. It was grounded with a combination of star and bus technique and was technically correct. Finally got it quiet after much fiddling. The difference between hum and dead silence was moving one ground wire two inches along the ground bus. Just hope I can duplicate it when it comes time to transfer into an enclosure.



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