Ground scheme

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Posted by Forty2wo [ ] on February 13, 2005 at 22:50:50:

Good grounding techique is one of the most important areas of building any audio gear and a spot were if a mistake is made, can be very fustrating to find and correct.
Each part of our ciruit needs a good solid path to ground but only one. We need to take care that we don't create ground loops. Multiple paths to ground. Usually through the chassis or another part of the circuit. the two paths will have slightly diffrent resistance and current flow. This is a great way to generate hum and noise and is to be avoided.
This just takes a little planning as you lay out your project, keep in mind were your ground is and how circuit bits will connect to it.
Most tube gear will use a ground bus, a "star" single point ground, or a carefull combination of the two. Running a completely seperate wire from each and every jack and so on, will build a rats nest and may pick up more noise then it prevents.
Ok enough theroy. I'll pick up with part 2 a practical application to our project...John


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