Re: Guinevere layout tips?

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Posted by Forty2wo [ ] on February 12, 2005 at 12:36:21:

In Reply to: Guinevere layout tips? posted by colinhester on February 12, 2005 at 11:09:00:

So far so good. keep the AC and iron away from the low level as much as you can. You are using a copper top plate right? So to start scrap the paint from one mounting lug of the power xformer so that it eather makes good contact with the top of the plate or to a bolt head to the under side. This will be the ac ground. Tie the AC ground (3rd wire) to a lug at this point. ground the choke to the top plate the same way, just to the plate, no lug
I will start a seprate message on gruonds and low level layout after lunch...John


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