one is on my list...

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on May 20, 2005 at 06:44:59:

In Reply to: Push-Pull 300B posted by Russellc on May 16, 2005 at 18:07:32:

One such beast is on my list of amps to build. It is a bit far down the list for a few reasons, the main one being I find dealing with Pentodes a bit more fun( and some Tantalum anode DH pentodes are in my sights.

An 8k a-a with 20W of core rating would be my choice. 10k a-a is twice the SE load of 5k and cuts maximum power just a bit more than 8k a-a. E-Linear taps at ~10% and B+ ~370. Higher load would allow a higher B+ w/o leaving class A and leave more volts for the front end. Keep it absolutely Class A bias, perhaps even to the point of limiting power a bit. 12 or 14 Watts is hard to tell from 17...

For the front end, a differential pair of 6C45's look quite good. Hard to get a matched pair I am told, but I have heard them built in PP DHT amps to good effect.

Lots of options for sure, and with good OPTx design, it will be hard to make it sound bad...


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