6S45Pi diff pair input signal headroom

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Posted by Tnuctipun [ ] on May 20, 2005 at 08:55:29:

In Reply to: 6S45Pi posted by Damir on May 20, 2005 at 08:13:05:

If you arrange a common cathode differential pair for phase splitting, one grid will be grounded, and signal will be applied to the other.

With the -2V of cathode-grid bias on them, the input headroom will be twice that assuming a few idealizations( like perfectly linear valves ). apply a 1V signal ( say a DC voltage ) and the cathode voltage will increase by 0.5V There will be a +/- mu/2 plate voltage change on the anodes( the input section will go - and the grounded section will go + ).

The anode-anode voltage change will be mu*input voltage. Accounting for nonlinearities, most of which cause 2nd order distortion, the actual headroom will be slightly different.


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