Re: More Shock Jocks canned

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Posted by DRCope [ ] on May 20, 2007 at 18:54:01:

In Reply to: Re: More Shock Jocks canned posted by Wayne Parham on May 20, 2007 at 10:35:12:

Back in my college days, he WAS one of my favorites, but he wasn't abusing college girls at that point. People say oh, he's not that bad, and if you don't like him, don't listen to him, but he reinforced the thinking of some screwball listeners who made death threats against the Rutgers women for his employer's reaction to his stupid remarks, and in the week following those remarks, not one, but two NYPD officers used his used his idot phrase on minority women officers in subordinate positions and got moved and or demoted.

Tolerating that kind of crap on the airwaves reinforces some really corrosive attitudes in our society.

That said, it turned out that his contract specifically made reference to his employer expecting him to make controversial remarks as part of his act and pretty much approving it a priori. So he is suing them. I hope he wins, but I hope the court forces him to donate any financial gains to establishing scholarships at Rutgers for female minority students.

I hold both parties in nearly equal contempt.


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