Re: You're both right

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Posted by bill epstein [ ] on May 21, 2007 at 20:56:12:

In Reply to: Re: More Shock Jocks canned posted by Wayne Parham on May 21, 2007 at 11:42:06:

I chuckled at the remark until I recalled what Jack Nicholson's character said to the obviously Jewish couple at "his" table in "As Good As It Gets". It hit me in the gut and helps me understand how those young women at Rutgers must have felt.

It's difficult for men to empathise with women these days, :-), but I also cannot understand how there is no female backlash against Rap lyrics. Women in general, and female entertainers in particular are so vocal on behalf of so many causes, both substantive and inconsequential that it is amazing that there is no reaction.

Perhaps there is a fear of legitimising a marginal genre although Rap is far from that. Just listen to all the WMCM (White Middle Class Male) driven Scions go by. More likely, white America is fearful of criticising black, and blacks themselves view calling each other niggers, bitches and ho's (sic) a symbol of belonging to a peer group.

You'll never hear Jews refer to themselves as kikes, Establishment whites to each other as whiskey-palians or Latinos refer to other Latinos as greasers but we all have our own, perhaps gentler code words for belonging, too. Self-respect begins with respecting others. Free speech should not extend beyond poking fun at to demeaning other groups, especially on the public airwaves.

All Americans these days belong to a minority, a situation that is causing discomfort for those formerly in the majority who used to enjoy jokes at the expense of minorities and especially minorities making fun of themselves("ah say, ah say, Kingfish").

Not having a majority is called Pluralism. It changes the way we live, think and vote. It should, and eventually will change the way we view others.


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