Re: By telling you that it will make you special.

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 28, 2006 at 09:53:48:

In Reply to: Re: By telling you that it will make you special. posted by Norris Wilson on March 28, 2006 at 09:32:06:

Norris You don't have to apologise for the rant that was the purpose of the post in the first place.
I posted three examples of essays that I just happened to read in the past week; it struck me as odd that I would see three points of view like that in one week.
Points of view that did not seem to follow the usual rap we see on all of these threads that deal with how people percieve things audio in nature.
Now all of your points are well taken and well recorded on many of the discussions we see on ART.
Let me ask you this; when you listen to a piece of gear; do you feel that you think it sounds better if it is shiny and expensive looking?
How about the times you have heard something you thought sounded good and the unit was not even in sight? Did that change your opinion when you finally saw the unit; and it looked like crap?
But I only posted those examples of others who wrote certain opinions we don't see that often as food for thought. And the post got a good response. I just didn't want it to be percieved as me proposing those same tired old arguments regarding sound and how it is percieved.
I just ask that people read the posts and really try to think outside the box on this.
It's good to see you participate as well as everyone else; because I don't think this issue is all that simple and the more people who actually put some real thought into this the better the outcome will be.
Remmember; if marketting was all that simple and influenceing people was all that easy; would companies spend literally billions of dollars on research trying to find ways to influence purchasing descisions?


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