Re: By telling you that it will make you special.

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Posted by Norris Wilson [ ] on March 28, 2006 at 09:32:06:

In Reply to: Re: By telling you that it will make you special. posted by manualblock on March 27, 2006 at 17:59:01:

Hi Manualblock,

My main point is the tools that are used in promoting products in the market place. They usually play to our personal insecurities and animalistic instincts, lust and superiority, the Alpha.
Suggesting, that their products some how will get you babes, or make you whole in some fashion.

These are the standard marketing tools of the trade, automobile and audio cables advertisements are a good example.

Do you remeber seeing the cable advertisement in a Stereo magazine that had a naked lady posing with a power cable running up her back?
I wonder what that was suppose to represent?

I have to also agree with Bob Brines on his point of Elitism.

It would be hard for me to justify spending $600 for a set of cables, even if I was rolling in money.

But, to be fair, I have heard a significant difference in signal quality between a pair of $450 interconnects, and a pair of $2500 interconnects.
But, on the other hand, I have read where many people who roll their own cables. Have heard a significant difference in signal quality between $50 worth of cable parts, over a $450 set of pre-manufactured cables.

Sometimes it can just come down to personal priorities, and the size of your bank account. I would not want to begrudge anyone who has earned a good living the right to spend it on what ever they desire.

But, aren't audio signal cables and wires, essentually an R/C filter?
And I wonder how much psycho-acoustics plays in our audio purchasing decisions?

Sorry for the RANT, it is just an opinion.

Norris Wilson


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