Re: Archaic Storage Media Sermon

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Posted by Wayne Parham [ ] on February 03, 2004 at 19:18:54:

In Reply to: Re: Archaic Storage Media Sermon posted by Dean Kukral on February 03, 2004 at 16:19:07:

I was an engineer for Data General in the early eighties. Most everything used for business and industry still had disk packs and 9 track tapes through the mid-eighties, gradually being replaced by Winchester disk drives and streaming tapes. But believe it or not, some places were still running systems with core memories and drum drives through the seventies, and even into the early nineties. Non-technical government stuff mostly.

As for my audio reel-to-reel deck, I don't use it for archival storage. It is really mostly a novelty for me, and I keep recordings of albums on tape. If one were to start sounding like it's losing top end, I could re-record but truthfully, I get tired of it long before then and re-use the tape to record something else. Again, it's mostly for the sake of novelty. As for the cassette, I use it to record stuff for the car. I could install a CD unit for the car, but that would take modification of the dash, which is something I don't want to do. You've got to crank up the sound system to be louder than the headers anyway.


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