Re: Archaic Storage Media Sermon

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Posted by Dean Kukral [ ] on February 03, 2004 at 16:19:07:

In Reply to: Re: Archaic Storage Media Sermon posted by Wayne Parham on February 03, 2004 at 11:31:23:


You must go back to the days of the Heathkit or Altair, or whatever the thing was called. 8" floppies!! (What were you, in High School? Perhaps in college.) My first personal computer was an Apple II, somewhat later.

And disk packs and drives? I'll bet you bought them from the surplus outlet where you once worked. "NRZI" was so long ago that I forget what it means. Something to do with whether it was random access or sequential, wasn't it? Wayne, you need to clean out your basement!! :)

A few years ago my 5" drive broke and I had to get a used one to replace it. Now that I think of it, it might have come from my first "pc" built in the mid eighties. Time flies when you're getting old! :(

Still, you had better copy all that reel-to-reel stuff to a DVD or one of these days it will be toast.


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