Re: Critical Listening

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 20, 2005 at 13:24:15:

In Reply to: Re: Critical Listening posted by MWG on December 20, 2005 at 08:44:11:

Can I join the chorus? I like you'all am not an engineer and don't particularly keep up with methodology of measuring practice. What I am is an amatuer muscician for 35 yrs. We try to remain nuetral in these types of discussions because as I say we don't have the background to argue specific measured abilities of loudspeakers. But I ask; why are we relegated to this second-class status?
We all have extensive experience listening to live and recorded music and we all have good systems; so what exactly is the criteria we are not privey too? So we can't derive a frequency response plot or undertake to establish what constitutes a proper waterfall plot.
What we can do is hear. So the question should really be; what is the criteria for having the ability to make good judgements concerning what sounds good?
Do we need to explain the exact number of half-tones represented in the middle C on the keyboard?
Is someone who has perfect pitch more qualified than any engineer to design loudspeakers?
Can all engineers sing on key? I have heard a feww that when they sing it sounds like two cats fighting.
Should part of the requirements for setting yourself up as a designer be that you know how to follow a musical train of thought and replicate it somehow on your own without instruments of measurement?
Curious how this is the only hobby where you don't have to be expert in the point of the hobby; only in the ability to map it mathematically or measure it with instruments.
Sort of like someone taking up golf and just studying how to map the putting greens or wrap a club handle.


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