Re: Critical Listening

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Posted by MWG [ ] on December 20, 2005 at 08:44:11:

In Reply to: Re: Critical Listening posted by elektratig on December 19, 2005 at 12:09:02:

I'm glad you responded and thank you. Every post has given me something different to think about. I, like you have gotten to the point where I either like the sound of something or I don't. I usually can't accurately articulate why but it no longer matters to me. I'm comfortable with what I am so that I can appreciate others opinions and try and see how they arrived at them. Whereas before I was more concerned with keeping with those that seemed to agree with what I was thinking at the time.
As an aside I was listening to Mark Knopfler & Chet Atkins Neck & Neck CD last night and it just seems so soothing even at higher volume I just flop back in my chair and close my eyes and enjoy the whole thing. Those two obviously are enjoying every minute of what they are doing. It really shows in the sound. In case anyone really likes guitar music and hasn't heard this CD. I heartily recommend it.


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