Re: Blind testing and what I would like to see done...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 24, 2005 at 12:19:01:

In Reply to: Blind testing and what I would like to see done... posted by Mr Vinyl on August 22, 2005 at 10:04:44:

Mr. V. I hope some take this particular aspect of our hobby seriously because it is the only important test there is. It doesn't matter how a unit is measured or how well it eventually can be made to measure if no one wants to listen to it.
Since assigning a value to a subjective perception is a science that is still very much in it's infancy then all we have to go by is personal preference.
Therefore it is my contention that blind testing is useless.
There are so many variables intrinsic to individual perception alone; forget about those variables we can control, that to create some sort of clearly controlled set of variables is impossible at this time in our history.
Which brings me back to a simple observation. If you gather a group of people and assign them a task of numerically rating the quality of sound exposed to the group; how do you seperate out the nine thousand issues of hearing loss/mood/the simple emotional effect the chosen piece of music has on the individual,,on and on.
Not to beat a very dead horse but this I know to be true. What sounds good is recognised by everyone. If you take a De'Angelis Guitar played by Julian Bream and sit people in front of it. Even if they don't like classical music, hate guitar, hate Julian Bream... I don't think you will get anyone in the group to say the sound itself is bad.
Thats a reference standard and we all can recognise one when we hear it. Anyone ever say that Pavorrotti can't sing?
My point? What would be the criteria that indicates a unit is better sounding than another? It sounds more musical? Even if all agreed one unit sounded better than another in a blind test; what happens when you switch that unit into another system and situation? Where maybe it doesn't synergise?
So I think what sounds good is recognised by all; what sounds best is a meaningless approbation. Comparing five amps is beyond pointless it seems to me.
Just my opinion after doing this many times and hearing many points of view,( some that caused my head to spin.)


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