Re: Blind testing and what I would like to see done...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 25, 2005 at 09:36:55:

In Reply to: Re: Blind testing and what I would like to see done... posted by Mr Vinyl on August 25, 2005 at 08:33:53:

I know Mr. V. because I am no expert either. I think what I was trying to say was these DBT have been examined to death in many venues starting back in the 60's with Floyd Toole at JBL.
I have experienced this. When sitting in a room with some friends; relaxed and enjoying the company and the surroundings there are very easily heard perceptual differences agreed to by all between different components. Soon as you line them up in a straight row with organised criteria and defined critical aspects to be expressed the whole thing goes south. You get results that make your hair stand on end. Solid State amps suddenly sound best; CD's beat vinyl etc.
Now the reductionists will state that that proves their point; that in a familiar group, group dynamics superceded the facts. All kinds of emotional stuff interferes with good results in a DBT. Well I argue that the opposite is true and that is my position.
So; Then you go back home and sit down and voila' it's all back where it should be soundwise.
My point? The tests are useless.


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