Posted by manualblock [ ] on August 11, 2005 at 08:48:24:
In Reply to: Re: Dipoles posted by hurdy_gurdyman on August 10, 2005 at 22:23:11:
Yes; the age related thing is a club we are all members of. Maybe thats why you are getting that better sound. I agree completely concerning the mass market speakers; they sound two dimensional and flat. In my life experience I have witnessed the sharpening and detailing of sound from the audio speaker design front. What I haven't heard is the genuine musically natural sound that many of the really good speakers built during the period 20-30 yrs ago when the big name designers like Spencer Hughes etc were working. I think the modern fetish with high resolution measuring devices used without the personality that those old masters had, ( who BTW mostly were musicians themselves), is responsible for the clinically defined lifeless sound many of todays speakers exhibit. In all these yrs there still is nothing that will signifigantly play music better than a pair of Snell type A III's, or Spendor SP 1's. Makes you wonder.
When I was young on the block I grew in, every family had one of those old console stereo's. And you could hear that music in the evenings when dad's came home from work or on Sundays after dinner. Montovani, The Browns, Jerry Vale for the Italians; the Irish had the Clancy Brothers; the occasional wild wife who liked Elvis. They were rolled off and soft and flabby,(the stereo's I mean),( and some of the people too.) but they certainly had a sound that was nice to listen too. They had prescence. Up and Down the block now they have home theater, so you get to hear helicopters crashing with massive sub-sonics ruining your ears.
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