Re: Hi---all about purchasing a preamp

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Posted by Frank Stuppel [ ] on May 09, 2004 at 19:03:09:

In Reply to: Re: Hi posted by Wayne Parham on May 09, 2004 at 13:30:53:


You are correct in what you post...the problem is that a simple stepped attenuator, can degrade the sound. This is very obvious at low volume levels, where the music then takes on a one dimensional sound, and looses alot of detail.

What I have done with active preamp that I use, is to request the manufacturer to install a 9db resistor, that I can activate when I get too much gain, and deactivate when I want gain. As the preamp has vishay resistors, there is no degradation of sound on my preamp, and I can use all 124 clicks of the volume comtrol. That gives me a lot of control !!!


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