Re: Not to start a fight, honestly

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 29, 2005 at 09:20:07:

In Reply to: Re: Not to start a fight, honestly posted by Damir on May 29, 2005 at 08:41:30:

But Damir; what does that prove; people are not different from what they have been for ten thousand yrs. They need to think that there is a life beyond the grave. Tell me this. The Catholic religion says that if a child is not baptised they go to hell; even if they die before they can be baptised. So is that a good belief?
Every major religion states clearly that anyone who does not believe in "Their God", will suffer eternally. Is that sensible?
My son attends Catholic school and they tell him that no matter how good a person is they cannot get into heaven if they are not Catholic.
Atheists do not have to prove anything because they do not have anything to prove. The believers must prove that their beliefs are the true beliefs and any who don't believe will not favored by god.
I love when there is a tragedy and people die; whoever survives will always say," God was watching over me," which basically says he didn't watch over those people that died. I guess they were not holy enough to watch over; and so they died.


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