Re: Not to start a fight, honestly

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Posted by Damir [ ] on May 29, 2005 at 08:41:30:

In Reply to: Not to start a fight, honestly posted by wunhuanglo on May 29, 2005 at 07:56:14:

You just exposed your beliefs and your logic/education/background. I can only smile a little on your "arguments", but for yourself. I don`t want any public or private arguments about my religion with ateists who must prove their shallow "rational" beliefs.
Automechanics "arguments"? It wouldn`t work even on automechanics, they are bright people:-).
I lived in "ateistic" and "socialist" country where many politicians and philosophers (well educated in their politics and marxists/rational philosophy) for 45 years constantly explain to the people through all the medias, by any way imagined, even force - the same ateistic/materialistic philosophy/beliefs.
The results? About 80% of the population are Catholics today.


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