Notes of a dirty old man

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Posted by Damir [ ] on May 17, 2005 at 06:52:44:

In Reply to: Re: But ,dude... posted by Young Republican on May 17, 2005 at 04:23:23:

"...but then in those days, I`d just never given it that way, and I was feeling little crazy, as usual, and I had this strange idea that a good fuck in THEIR ass would solve a lot of MY spiritual and mental problems..."
I put the thing in. I put in what I had.
"oooh," she said, "it`s good! you`re so curved! like a gaff"
"accident I had when I was child. something with the tricycle."
I was just going good when something RAMMED into the cheeks of my ass. I saw flashes before my eyes.
"hey, what the HELL!" I reached and pulled the thing out. I was standing there with this guy`s thing in my hand. "what do you think you`re doing, buddy?" I asked him.
"listen, friend",he said, "this whole game is just one big deck of cards. if you want to get into the game you have to take whatever comes up in the shuffle."
I pulled up my shorts and pants and got out of there."

Charles Bukowski


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