Re: Notes of a dirty old man

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 18, 2005 at 02:26:25:

In Reply to: Re: Notes of a dirty old man posted by Young Republican on May 18, 2005 at 01:17:08:

I agree with you there. What a maroon; a goldfish should have been able to take bush. In that respect you are correct; spoiled brats spitting out lies and jive at each other. That don't change what I said about that witch though.
You can be wealthy and still have concern for the middle class and their possibilities.
Who's a workingman anymore anyway; we are all "private contractors", "associates" now, responsible for our own health care/retirement/job training etc. And the company offers...what? Slave wages? Great.
No problem with that providing they not take our tax revenue in the form of rebates/pollute the envirnement then leave it for us to clean up and pay for; withold vital medications in order to wring more profit out of them; run up huge deficits to pay for private wars of the wealthy, not to mention the dead... the list goes on.


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