Re: The irony is virtually unlimited...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on March 27, 2005 at 10:47:35:

In Reply to: The irony is virtually unlimited... posted by wunhuanglo on March 27, 2005 at 10:08:49:

You know what really tics me off? The fact they are trying to villify Micheal. One of the nurses from when the accident intially occured said this about him"He is a real nightmare and a royal PIA; but if I was in this situation I would want him as my husband, thats for sure."
From that to calling the guy a murderer really indicates the type of mentality we are dealing with here.
Anyone ever think maybe the guy just wants to do whats right?
The money is a done deal so what else is there to this for him?
Would it not be easy to just walk and let others handle the problems?
That is where we are going in America; Nanny Nation, everyone wants to tell everyone else what to do.
And those protesters sending their kids in to get arrested; indoctrinating kids into your propaganda is as low as you can get.


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