The irony is virtually unlimited...

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Posted by wunhuanglo [ ] on March 27, 2005 at 10:08:49:

In Reply to: Irony and Pity posted by manualblock on March 21, 2005 at 19:15:03:

Karla Faye Tucker, on the teevee, says "Please don't kill me".
*Bush mocks her.

Terry Veg-O-Matic says "oooghahhhoooo" and people imagine she's saying "I want to live".
*Bush flies to DC in the middle of the night to sign a Constitutionally ambiguous and precendent setting piece of Legislation and make a speech about erring on the side of life.

Terry Veg-O-Matic is in the position she's in because she was a bulimic/anexoric
*Her parents says she'd want to be force-fed by a machine.

The nutballs around the hospice are fighting for the santicty of human life
*Half of them are advocating for Greer's murder.

What a sad situation when people just can't just mind their own business.


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