Re: meeting write-ups

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on January 17, 2005 at 12:00:40:

In Reply to: Re: meeting write-ups posted by Manualblock on January 17, 2005 at 10:12:26:

Oh come on. I expected to be drug over the coals for offering such a non-scientific response to your very valid inquiry. I think your post under General of "Why?" was interesting. Each person enjoys this hobby for different reasons. Either to obtain the best sound for their particual musical taste, or like, me, the love of building and assembling a system - be it DIY or store bought.

Many times I have lost sight of what is the most important aspect of this hobby: the music. I have done all the tweeks and upgrades, but for what? All this effort does not change the notes being played. My efforts do not change the valve Miles Davis decided to push or the phrasing of a sonata. Are we trying to listen to the music or understand the music?

Is the fact that we are trying to understand the best way to reproduce the music slant our appreciation of the content? Do we look for recordings that will best show off our system and ignore erlier recordings because the fidelidty is not there? Yes, I am guilty as charged.

I build so I have a understanding of what the parts are doing. I don't want my system to be a "black box." Many people are happy with this plug-andplay approach (e.g. Bose) but I want more than that. I want to understand, but to what end?????????Colin


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