Re: meeting write-ups

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Posted by colinhester [ ] on January 17, 2005 at 20:12:03:

In Reply to: Re: meeting write-ups posted by manualblock on January 17, 2005 at 17:28:13:

The pizza sucked. There, has that for an objective self critique.

It seems our discussion has come full circle. We concur there is not even a universal consensus on what beauty is, much less describing (or even agreeing on) subtle aural particulars of one's system. If there is not even a standard of beauty, then why trust anyone else's opinion for the more mundane? The fun part of this hobby is the journey and discovery, not the end.

This is why I would never say a bad thing about someone else's project. If they THINK they have reached audio nirvana, THEN THEY HAVE. It is just my subjective opinion versus theirs. Who am I to tell them differently? I'm just a nobody on the journey as well.

Oh yeah, about the group build surprise. I'm going to have name plates madeup with the ART logo, project name and builder's moniker on it. They will be sent to Wayne when done. Don't tell. Don't worry, no one will ever get this far down in this thread ......Colin


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