Re: Peterson

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 15, 2004 at 07:53:19:

In Reply to: Re: Peterson posted by colinhester on December 15, 2004 at 00:15:07:

True but in CA within the last ten years 12 people on death row have been murdered by other inmates. No clue how they did it. The shenanigans with the missing jurors on the Peterson trial is a complete mystery. One of the jurors interviewed said the guy they tossed was holding up the proceedings. Funny but that guy was an attorny as well as a doctor. I geuss he wasn't ready to kill a guy without evidence. The readhead is scary; talk about self-righteous. And you can see with the three spokesmen; who buddied up with her and the bright guy, the same propensity. I love the way the media keeps congradulating them for their service. Only one guy questioned their ethics and he was quickly silenced. They were all in their mid 30's.


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