Re: Peterson

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on December 15, 2004 at 14:00:28:

In Reply to: Re: Peterson posted by colinhester on December 15, 2004 at 12:08:07:

How many shares can I buy for 13.67$ ? First I need to break the pig. You will get a check from the govmt. There is no other way. What do you do with the guy who participates dutifully for 25 yrs until he is 42 then has a heart attack?? As an investor you know that the miracle of compound interest doesn't kick in until after 30 yrs. So that guy does .. what; starve?
What happens if there is a protracted cyclical downturn 5 yrs. before you have to retire? Live off the land? You know if everyone starts a business who do they all sell to? Each other. No one in the U.S.A. is saving the amount of money they would need to live a decent life for 25 yrs. from age 67 to age 87. If you require 80k to survive and we all will soon, thats 20 yrs x 80k. To save that much would mean 30% of everyone's yrly net salary. for life. Thats assuming you are consistantly employed without a break or layoff or illness. At the end of the week we are lucky to have 100$ left.
The money guys have the propaganda machine rolling full tilt on this one.


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