Re: Competitive edge - too much nostalgia?

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on October 31, 2004 at 19:16:25:

In Reply to: Re: Competitive edge - too much nostalgia? posted by manualblock on October 31, 2004 at 09:26:34:

Oh dont get me wrong. I agree with the whole level playing field idea. I think it is unfair for workers in some parts of the world to have to compete with other parts of the world who are paid slave wages. Mom always said "life isn't fair" and it isnt going to change anytime soon. The corperations set much of the pace and its a tough game. Should CEO's make less? Sure! I'm not one so why not. I think pro athletes who squable about 15 mil vs 16 mil is pretty silly too, considering the people who want to go see them play and support their saleries earn 30k and can hardly afford to take their family to an event.

I was always under the impression we did a lot of r&d in this country. After developement the products would then be made some place else. The bottom line I see, is we can't produce economically in this country compared to a lot of others. So I dont try to. I make a lot of parts and then send them places for assembly. The people in other countries who assemble cant develope the parts or produce them. So I keep lots of people employed doing work the lower laber rate countries can't do.

I'd love to see some of the rules change. I'm not too happy with the last 4 years worth of rules but I do what I can to keep hiring more people. That involves Making product from raw materials in house, making product into finished parts in house, Importing products, exporting products and assembling and finishing both in house and overseas. It's sure an uneasy fealing sending things out but it's all in balance.

What I find is that using more affordable labor rates allow products to made and sold more economically. There is then more sales, more market share and I hire more people to develope and produce things in house.

I do agree with you. those are just a few way I work with what I have right now. It was different 10 years ago. and it will be different 10 years from now too. We all hope for the better


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