Re: Competitive edge - too much nostalgia?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on November 03, 2004 at 23:14:15:

In Reply to: Re: Competitive edge - too much nostalgia? posted by Bill Martinelli on November 03, 2004 at 18:57:51:

I didn't mean to imply you personally thought of workers that way, just that it is a stereotypicall view many people have. And there are lazy union employees that take advantage of the system, just like there are incompetent people at all levels.
Your explanation of inventory management is excellent BTW, I learned something and thats good; very interesting perspective,thanks.
The concept that aggressive wage increases are the staple of union demands loses weight when we realise that the average hourly worker makes 28% less in adjusted income than they did 20 yrs ago. Observe your friends who have working wives and hold a small part time job in addition to their 40 with overtime; are they living better?
I am one of the lucky ones who got in at the right time before the slide. Labor unions provided me with a good living and a good retirement; I just offer this info so it does not seem that I speak from sour grapes, I just worry about my kids and the futures that are available to the average people.
Immigration is what we are all about, but it used to be legal immigration.


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