Re: New York Times Leak

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 28, 2006 at 08:26:36:

In Reply to: Re: New York Times Leak posted by Leland Crooks on June 28, 2006 at 06:45:26:

Gee Leland; thats the perfect book. I got to read that.
Listen; we have all suspected as we watched from the distant coasts in amazement that people have been hoodwinked by the right with all that family values shuck and jive. It just seems so transparent that its hard to believe it could have such support.
But when the policies of this administration became so blatantly anti-middle class we all assumed there would be an accounting; guess what? Never happened. And now with this argument proposed by cheney and his attorney Addington; that the President has rights not granted in the Constitution in a time of so-called "War", we are seeing what amounts to a grab for the divine right of kings by the President. Not only is the entire world getting nervous over this; but most of our citizens are starting to feel the anxiety over this very serious breach of governmental ethics.
There is just no stopping these guys and no accountability.
Anyway thanks for the mention of that Book; I'll let you know how I like it.


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