Re: A classic example

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Posted by Shane [ ] on June 28, 2006 at 21:37:00:

In Reply to: Re: A classic example posted by manualblock on June 28, 2006 at 20:49:56:

Yes, we can disregard the religious aspect, but let's not forget it still is lurking in the background.
I don't know if spite is the right word. I think it's still the small town mentality of "this or that" doesn't happen here and we're not going to let it (even though in reality it usually does in my experience). In my experience there were usually only a handful of people willing to take forward initiative on any stance in my small town. I think a lot of that has to do with the good chance of being ostracized in a small community. In a city, that doesn't necessarily happen to much effect.
Again, in my experience a lot of the kids in the small towns don't move on to larger cities. They stay near home, work the family farm, or teach at the small schools, etc.... I think the exposure to "big city morals" is actually the fuel for the negativity. They only heard about it before, or saw it for real occasionally (TV doesn't count, it's been declining forever). Now it's everywhere, as your implying. Also, most of these small towns consist of an older generation than myself and a younger generation than myself. You have a set of people that are set in their ways so to speak, voting down the line for one party or the next, not like Bill or myself. Then you've got the younger generation that don't even know what voting is I think. I've got no reason to complain, as I'm a poor example for voting rights unfortunately.
People should get angry! But in the small town I come from, a lot of people are used to having no money or losing money every year farming. As long as the gov't gives them their subsidies to farm another year they don't care. Anything that involves agriculture at the gov't level is what they're concerned about. Farming is all they know, and the markets are so worthless that it's a losing battle really for the small farmer. So whoever is for ag is who they vote for, regardless of any other agenda that candidate may have.


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