Re: Man I hate to do this...

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Posted by Bill Martinelli [ ] on June 12, 2006 at 12:50:12:

In Reply to: Man I hate to do this... posted by manualblock on June 12, 2006 at 12:21:58:

There's no need for research is there? Of course all those number are true, the Emergancy room people have camp side stories about gunshot vistoms till the end of time.

You cant take away all the hand cuns from criminals. You cant take away the long guns, which will take the place of the short gun.
to get back to your 2 points about gun control. The countries with gun control dont have less gunshots because there are less guns. I believe it is a different way of thinking in Europe and other countires. There is different thinking going on in those societies. It's not the US. the trash that litters our streets selling drugs, robbing and killing is the problem. For your second point strong laws are great if someone will make them. Too many mamby pambies in office these days. I'll buy you dinner when laws like you suggest get passed.
What about the middle east, a place where the presance of a young lad perhaps 12 or 14 is toating about an AK? Lots of them. most everyone is armed. Lots of violance too. I dont think theres too many hand guns and if you take away the assault weapons they would use a muzzle loader. take away that and those folks would be carrying a bat with a rusty nail. What about the Romans? often prtraid as bloody society. true or not there's a lot knifing in the movies. no guns, they all carried swords and killed each other on a whim if so felt.
It's the people, not the weapons.


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