Man I hate to do this...

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 12, 2006 at 12:21:58:

Bureau Of Justice Handgun Figures for !996
According to Victim Survey and the NCVS 25% of all rapes sexual assualt robbery and aggravated assualt faced an offender armed with a handgun.
83% of all gun related crimes involved a handgun
The FBI's supplemental Homocide reports show 57% of all murders reported were committed with handguns.3% with rifles 5% with shotguns.

I can't continue because they are dedicated to twisting these types of statistics and presenting them as if they were real. They leave out important data that you can't tell unless you do voluminous research and then they tie you up with an endless series of deconstructions of every word and sentence you write. When you return with a truthfull stat to contradict one of their points they search out a weakness in one of your sentences and focus on some trivial meaningless stat while disregarding the real picture. The process has a name; it's called "dissembling".
Like the creationists do; presuming that science is undecided on Darwin then pushing stats that are essentially meaningless but take up all your time to refute. Then they find some sympathetic science proffessor to qoute from and you never get to find out that that guys theories and papers have no weight in the scientific community.
It's a con game and a shell game and it isn't worth spending the hours they spend doing; disregarding the litter of the dead from gunshot wounds. I suggest you speak to an emergency room trauma nurse in a big city; thats real information.


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