Re: Don't think guns save lives

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Posted by Damir [ ] on June 12, 2006 at 05:18:07:

In Reply to: Re: Don't think guns save lives posted by DaveLoneRanger on June 12, 2006 at 00:16:56:

I didn`t know about those statistical numbers when I wrote this a few days ago:

"IMO - "average" gun owner in the long run has much more chance to shoot himself (accidentaly or suicide), the member of the family (arguing+gun in the pocket), someone else `cos of small incident (traffic, bar, work, etc.); then to somehow defend himself of thieves/killers or so."

The interpretation of this statistic isn`t simple, and many things are missing. But, subjectively - many of those "self defence" situations aren`t "clear". For example, in many countries incident where shop owner shot dead, say, 20 years old junkie who tried to rob the store - this is not self defence on the court...
Yeah, the clerc had the gun behind the desk and murdered the kid for $100...but is it the right path for the society and for the individual persons?

Anyway, number of the death from firearms use is scarying high, even for the big country like US - 30 000 dead per year is more then in many wars!


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