Re: Your math is wrong!

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Posted by Damir [ ] on June 13, 2006 at 07:08:06:

In Reply to: Re: Your math is wrong! posted by DaveLoneRanger on June 13, 2006 at 05:18:41:

Well, your opinions based on "crative" and wrong use of statistic is your right, and I doubt that everything I (or MB) can say will change this. Personally, I don`t like discussions with "arguments" like this...
If we, say, divide gunshot victims with number of the people on this World, we `d get a very low this a argument?

However, to answer to the "cars" analogy...this area (traffic) must be covered with various laws - you must have driver exam, a licence, fasten the safety belt, respect the speed limits, no alcohol, and various other regulations. Of course, IMO - similar laws/limitations must exist about possessing, carying, using, etc. of various firearms.
But, I noticed that this is a hot right/left political question in USA, and I can`t be a part of this. I only can say my opinion that I hate to see the statistic where`s more then 30.000 dead from guns ab(use) every year. I live in the town big like that...


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