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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 07, 2006 at 10:08:44:

Wayne mentions that the government is wrong to prevent people from carrying guns on their person. You can transport weapons in your car but they must be unloaded.
Where does this restriction come from? I mean the NRA and the Gun Lobby didn't want this; they are in favor of carry laws and they donate lots of money to the government to help their cause right?
Because people don't want every tom Dick and Harry walking around with loaded weapons on them. And neither do I. I know how many Wyatt Earp wannabe's are out there and it is scary.
Proffessional criminals will kill you before you get them so it doesn't wash when you say only criminals will have guns. So in this case the people who are against carry laws are more numerous than the folks who want to carry. It's not the government preventing you from doing what you want; it's the people who petition the representatives to prevent the carry laws that are stopping you. Thats your government doing what it should; representing the will of the people.


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