Re: Guns

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on June 07, 2006 at 15:45:54:

In Reply to: Re: Guns posted by Shane on June 07, 2006 at 15:17:23:

Shane; what are the chances of a home invasion by you? I have lived 54 yrs; and I dont know of anyone invaded in their home. I lost two very close and good friends who were the salt of the earth to gun shot wounds by robbers while doing their jobs though. One was armed but killed in ambush.
Both weapons were not sold here; they were brought in from southern states with liberal gun sales and possesion laws.
Try looking at a 43 yr old guy with kids that you have known since you are twelve; lying in a coffin.
Pistols should be illegal; the existing weapons should be destroyed and the penalty for owning one is life without parole. Illegal to import or manufacture handguns with a mandatory 25 yr sentence for doing either.
Thats my pean to the more than 9k people killed very year with handguns; including over 2000 children.
I would try to come up with something amusing here but there is nothing amusing about this.
Oh; this is not directed to you; you seem reasonable about this.


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