Re: Gee; Immigration Reform?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 19, 2006 at 08:11:51:

In Reply to: Re: Gee; Immigration Reform? posted by Bill Martinelli on May 19, 2006 at 07:41:31:

Well that would be the question I guess. Lets see what it will cost to register and track all the individuals that qualify for amnesty. Then we still need to empty the jails of the over 25% illegal population that makes up the whole prison pop.
But let me ask you. They say that they must pay all back taxes. So how to do that. If their employers are implicated in this tax avoidance they are liable also for all of the compensation and insurance monies they never paid into the fund.
What kind of monster beauracracy will we create to monitor and administrate 11 million applicants who do not follow the usual track to citizenship. They can't seem to do the much less complicated requirements now; how will they administer this nightmare?

Anyway do I think we should send them all home? Yes.
But that won't work so how to deal with the reality. Build a giant fence all the way and stop screwing around. Create immigrant task forces who must find and process as many as they can locate. Then send those individuals back who have not been working with the same company for at least five years. No you won't get them all; but yopu will create a climate where there is always the possibility that as an illegal you will be caught; fined and sent back, and now with proper enforcement you will not be able to return so easily. Now you will have to climb a huge fence and then possibly get caught and have to do it again. To implement these measures will cost less than the proposed solution and work better.
Then they may decide it is a better option to stay in their country with their families and try to make that a better place to live.
What do you think?


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