Re: Gee; Immigration Reform?

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 20, 2006 at 08:42:12:

In Reply to: Re: Gee; Immigration Reform? posted by Bill Martinelli on May 19, 2006 at 22:29:34:

Yeah; it sucks. The health care thing is really what pisses me off. The waste of resources they cause because they can't use the normal health care proxy; they clog up hospitals and emergency rooms costing literally millions of dollars in funds that could be used to help defer the rising costs to our citizens; not to mention the people who can't get care they need becuase the money is going to the illegals.
You know I read a study that the University Of Nevada did on exactly who uses the Nevada health care system and how much they cost. They identified the top 10% of users and guess what? Those top ten % used over 60% of the medical budget. Out of the top 10% over 35% of those were immigrants here illegally. They cost the system over 3.5 million a year in emergency room unpaid liabilities. This goes on in every city.
It ain't no joke. Look at your medical plan and what it cost.
Don't see much of this mentioned in all these debates.


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