Re: Strange Interview

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 04, 2006 at 17:01:11:

In Reply to: Re: Strange Interview posted by Bill Martinelli on May 04, 2006 at 14:48:35:

I think what we have is a concerted effort on the part of those who manage business to deny the people who live in the places where they do business the right to decide how they will live their lives. We in America should not have to force our government to do something about millions of the destitute and poor from other nations just walking across our borders and squatting down like some kind of pest invading a field. Like locusts or something. Sent here with a wink and a nod by the leaders of Mexico and Latin American countries to fill jobs held for them by our own business leaders in order to drive down wages and make more profit for those companies in clear violation of the laws we the people have to obey but they don't; helped along with the blessings of the current administration.
If the leaders in place now wanted to stop this nonsense they could do it in five minutes. Remmember the Soviet Union? Largest border in the world and exactly how many of the old citizens were able to escape? How easy was it for those people to get out of the USSR? Or anyone to get in? My point is if they so wanted to stop this they could right now. Build a fence and man it with armed guards with instructions to terminate with extreme predjudice anyone trying to sneak across the border. How fast would that end this travesty? I volunteer. I can put five in the black at a hundred yards with a stock 30-06. All they have to do is obey the law and immigrate in a legal manner and we welcome them with open arms. Try sneaking in and POW. One warning.
How about a chain of Rottweillers? The length of the border.


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