Re: Strange Interview

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Posted by manualblock [ ] on May 05, 2006 at 21:42:03:

In Reply to: Re: Strange Interview posted by Damir on May 05, 2006 at 07:36:32:

I'll take my chances.
But first; since I am of German/Dutch and Norwegian extraction I've decided to hold a march demanding the rights of all Germans and Dutchmen and Norwegians to fly to America and move in for as long as they want. Then we are going to march and march all around telling all of the citizens that we as illegal immigrants have more rights than they do. Then we are going to sing the National Anthem in German. And eat sourbratten and pickled herring and drink Lager all day.

Deutschland Uber Alles!

Then we are all going to the hospital and get free medical attention and put our kids in school but pay no taxes. We are going to demand that public facilities provide interpreters for German and Dutch and have all public proceedings held with a german interpreter. And have German speaking teachers in all the schools. Then we are going to hold a day of no work. On that day America will have lots of people to pick fruit but no one to run nuclear reactors or fly airplanes or run corporations.
Auf Weidersien.


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