Re: Nice...

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Posted by e-linear [ ] on January 01, 2006 at 09:24:12:

In Reply to: Nice... posted by PakProtector on December 31, 2005 at 14:08:48:

Now this post has me intrigued.

In this response it is asked "only who is this?". I believe it is clearly obvious to any intelligent individual that the author had or has intentions to remain anonymous. DUH!

Next quote,
"I don't post what I don't Sign"
Well, Hurray for the Gipper, YOU GO BOY!

Then a question,
"What other games are you going to play"
Well it's not entirely clear to me whom the author is referring to in this rambling. There seems to be an indication of paranoia. Possibly bordering on delusional paranoia.

"Why not conjure some more RAT-Style Goons"
This appears to be the ramblings of a skittish delusional individual who has possibly watched too much tube. I.e.; Disney's The Goonies. But where does "RAT" come from?

And a final quote:
" None of this has anything to do with the idea that you are not in control of a 1948 OPTx design".
Now it is abundantly clear that you are attacking a third party whom is not likely to be the author of the thread you are responding to. This is the ramblings of a delusional paranoid individual. Instead of telling others to stop smoking weed, maybe you should consider some anti-psychotic medication to help you cope with life.

However, in a final thought of the moment, An individual using the name Pak`Protector has every right to do so and you as "PakProtector" can do little about it. While there are two separate individuals here it has every potential to become confusing to others. This would or could be very damaging in a business setting if these were trade names for two similar products. If you did the original work and this was your intellectual property you would have every right to feel aggrieved.


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